HEST Technical Solutions Used for Design and Construction
of Stationary Energy Storage Facilities

I hope HEST will motivate
·         energy storage customers to engage in a competent discussion with concerned parties regarding the opportunities and conditions for organizing a call for proposals for the design and construction of a HEST-based energy storage facility, including the R&D activities
·         EPC contractors to engage in a competent discussion with concerned parties and potential customers regarding the opportunities and conditions for implementing the HEST design and construction works, including the R&D activities

Hereby I kindly invite to a systemic professional dialogue those companies that have the ambitions, competencies and motivation to possess an adequate industrial grade energy storage technology.

This document presents the brief information on the HEST. With this information and my support, your line specialists will be able to present the HEST to you as a simple and convincing solution. The principles behind the HEST will be made clear, and you will learn about its main technical solutions. You will receive trustworthy conclusions regarding the HEST design and construction complexity. You will also be aware of the range of feasible technical and economic parameters of HEST-based energy storage facilities. You will understand the HEST technical conditions and design options, as well as their variability in connection with the technical and economic parameters of the construction project.

Learning about the HEST technical solutions, we will go into some details and find justified answers to these two questions:
·         Will the declared HEST parameters be feasibly achieved and confirmed by the design project?
·         Can the HEST-based energy storage facilities be designed and built right away?
Answering YES to the above questions will pave us the way to negotiating the conditions for cooperation.

HEST comprises three key systems plus a stock of working weights:
1.    Main energy accumulation system (gravitational solid-state accumulators or GSSA)
·         The GSSA features a complex of vertical or inclined lifting vehicles that perform shuttle-type displacement of solid working weights from the lower storage horizon to the upper storage horizon. During the upward displacement, the potential energy is being accumulated by the weights. Energy is being released when the weights are moving downwards under the gravity force - through transferring the kinetic energy of the moving weights to an electric generator.

·         The GSSA is used to accumulate the energy retrieving it from the grid, store it with no losses for as long as needed, and return the energy to the grid when required.

2.    Backup power system (BPS)
·         The BPS comprises battery systems of specified capacity (Li-Ion or capacitor-based systems), electric current convertor and a control system.
·         The BPS is used to ensure a quick response of the HEST facility to short-term fluctuations of incoming and outgoing grid power. The BPS is also used to consume short-term excessive power from the GSSA or compensate the short-term power deficit for the GSSA electric drives, which rules out interruptions in the GSSA working cycles and ensures the electric machinery functioning in the nominal modes.

3.    Automatic Control System (ASC)
·         The HEST ACS is a multi-level automatic control system that manages the HEST performance in its entirety as an integrated technological controlled object. The ACS provides for developing and executing algorithms to control all electric drives, mechanisms and devices of the HEST facility.

·         The ACS links and controls functional groups of equipment, safety and security systems, maintains the technological parameters within the acceptable ranges, protects the equipment from overloads and performs other functions.

4.    Stock of working weights
·         Each GSSA lifting vehicle is equipped with a stock of working weights. The total stock of working weights in a HEST facility determines its indicative energy storage capacity in the GSSA.

The HEST grid connectivity designs, HEST electric machines and devices power supply schemes, regular ACS functional algorithms are developed in a standardized manner to comply with the technical requirements and conditions of each specific HEST construction project. The above elements are mentioned here but not described in detail.

All principal HEST technical solutions, i.e. construction design, building elements, machines and mechanisms, power supply systems, surveillance, control and automation systems, are developed in accordance with the standard industrial design/development requirements and procedures.

Below are the elements of the concept GSSA. Some details will be presented during substantive consultations.

 Fig. 1. General view of the HEST facility and its main systems.

Fig. 2. Main elements of a lifting vehicle and working weight transportation devices.

Fig. 3. Outline of interactions between HEST main systems and selected BPS elements.

HEST Key Parameters and Components

1. GSSA Performance Efficiency

Performance efficiency of the GSSA, in general, is in line with the overall HEST efficiency, with a small (1-2%) correction for the energy consumption by the auxiliary systems.

Required Value

Feasible Value

GSSA Efficiency Ratio
70% and more
Up to 74%
For vertical GSSA designs
From 70%
For inclined GSSA designs

The GSSA efficiency ratio characterizes the GSSA performance efficiency being a proportion of the amount of energy retrieved from storage to the amount of energy used for the full cycle of working weight displacement.

Energy consumption for the full cycle of GSSA working weight displacement amounts to
·         energy used for the work of the electric drive of the lifting vehicle that lifts the working weight from the lower to the upper storage horizon – productive energy inputs
·         energy used for the work of machines and mechanisms that pick up the working weight from storage place, transport it to the loading platform of the lifting vehicle, unload the weight from the platform at the upper horizon, transport it to storage place and mount it there, as well as for the same processes in reverse order during the power generation phase of the cycle – logistical energy inputs, which also include energy used to move idle (unloaded) loading platforms.

Fig. 4. GSSA energy inputs visualization.

Retrieved (generated) energy to productive energy inputs ratio limit

For vertical GSSA design, the retrieved energy exceeds 80% of the productive energy inputs.

For inclined GSSA design, the retrieved energy exceeds 76% of the productive energy inputs. The use of inclined weight transportation option increases the energy consumption proportionately to the inclination angle: the bigger the angle, the longer the working weight transportation distance compared to vertical displacement. The performance efficiency requirements set the limit of the maximum inclination angle for HEST design works.

Fig. 5. Outline of GSSA lifting vehicles in vertical and inclined design.

The following solutions are used for achieving the desired performance efficiency when designing GSSA.

The lifting vehicle is equipped with a multi-engine drive (Fig. 6). The multi-engine drive is a gearless direct drive. The multi-engine drive uses reversible asynchronous electric machines. The electric machines work as electric engines during the weight lifting phase, and as electric generators during the weight drop phase. The shafts of the electric machines, through electric clutches, perform pre-defined configurations of coaxial connection between the electric machines and the winch drum. The electric machines connection configurations provide for the power multiplication. Rotation of the winch drum enacts reeling of the cable attached to the loading platform, and therefore moves the platform. The weight of the platform is balanced by a counterweight that is also attached to the winch drum by a cable.

Fig. 6. Multi-engine drive of the lifting vehicle and the electric machines connection configurations.

When designing the multi-engine drive of the lifting vehicle, certain technical conditions must be complied with in order to ensure maximum energy savings, i.e. ensuring the effective use of reversible asynchronous electric machines with confirmed efficiency ratio of 94-96%.

Technical requirements for the effective work of reversible asynchronous electric machines

Conditions for the effective work of reversible asynchronous electric machines envisaged by the HEST
Operation in nominal modes
HEST BPS and ACS ensure each GSSA drive cyclic operation without interruptions and with a constant load. Electric machines work in nominal modes.

Minimum influence of electric machines’ inertia
A multi-engine system provides for using the electric machines with indicative inertia parameters.

Minimum energy losses in braking modes
Braking modes are executed through increasing mechanical resistance when connecting additional generation power. For the duration of braking, an additional electric machine is connected to the configuration of the multi-engine drive’s electric machines that are completing the generation phase. This additional machine works in the generation mode and creates extra mechanical resistance used for effective braking.

Selection of electric clutches, drives’ mounting bearings and winch mechanism, guiding bearings of the loading platform is performed with consideration of acceptable energy consumption and mechanical resistance parameters. Design works should provide for selecting those hardware parts that match the established energy consumption limit. The energy consumption limit for the work and mechanical resistance of all lifting vehicle elements, except for the multi-engine drive’s electric machines, must be under 4% of the productive energy inputs for the complete working weight displacement cycle (weight lifting phase and weight dropping phase).

Logistical energy inputs limit

The HEST includes technical solutions that provide for a fully automated process of shuttle displacement of working weights.

At this, the GSSA design is performed in compliance with the logistical energy inputs limit. The logistical energy inputs limit for the full cycle is up to 6% of the productive energy inputs used to perform this cycle. The following pattern should be considered: the bigger the weight vertical displacement, the less are relative logistical energy inputs. The optimum recommended vertical displacement between the lower and upper storage horizons is 200 m and more.

The following HEST technical solutions provide for keeping the logistical energy inputs within the limit while ensuring the optimum technical and economic parameters.

Purpose of HEST technical solutions and their effect on lowering the logistical energy inputs:

Fig. 7. Variable rail inclination system.

The variable rail inclination system is used to minimize the logistical energy inputs. Rails of the upper and lower weight storage areas of each lifting vehicle are equipped with an inclination angle alteration system.

Before a GSSA cycle phase change to energy accumulation or release, the rail inclination changes. The inclination angle changes in a way so that the rail-guided loaders with loaded weight always move down the slope.

The rail inclination angle is changed by electric-driven hydraulic lifting jacks. The jacks are installed under the stiffening girders upon which the rails are mounted.

Fig. 8. Rail-guided loader.

The rail-guided loader is used to minimize the logistical energy inputs when transporting the weights at the storage horizons. The rail-guided loader also ensures a full automation of the processes of weights mounting and dismounting to/from their storage places. The rail-guided loader interacts with the loading platform for a fully automated loading/unloading of the weights to/from the loading platform.

The rail-guided loader is positioned at the lower and upper weight storage horizons of each lifting vehicle.

The inverted U frame of the loader has shelves designed to carry respective weights. Each shelf is positioned at the height of technological apertures of working weights that are stacked for storage. Each shelf has a block of electrically-driven coupled hydraulic lifts (Fig. 8) that work from opposite sides in the same horizon.

The rail-guided loader uplifts the working weights and moves them from the storage place to the loading platform. The unloading from the platform takes place in reverse order.

Fig.9. Loading platform.

The loading platform is used to minimize the logistical energy inputs and ensure a fully automated process of working weight loading, transportation by the lifting vehicle and unloading. Loading or unloading of the working weights to/from the loading platform is carried out by the rail-guided loader at the storage tier determined for each working weight.

The loading platform is kinematically connected by a cargo cable with the winch drum of the transportation vehicle’s multi-engine drive.

The loading platform is equipped with a working weight transportation platform and mechanisms that provide for its sliding movement and articulation with the matching elements of the rail-guided loader. The rail-guided loader puts the working weight down onto the platform when loading or uplifts it when unloading.

Fig. 10. Transportation of an unloaded loading platform. Separate drive.

To minimize the logistical energy inputs and to enable an accelerated transportation of an unloaded loading platform, a separate drive is used that is part of the multi-engine drive of the transportation vehicle. The separate drive is getting connected to the winch drum shaft through an electric clutch for the period of accelerated transportation of an unloaded loading platform. Winch drum’s rotation provides for reeling in and out in opposite directions of the loading platform cable and counterweight cable. The counterweigh and loading platform are weight-balanced. While an unloaded loading platform is being transported, electric clutches disconnect all other shafts of the multi-engine drive.

Accelerated transportation of an unloaded loading platform allows for a simultaneous utilization of up to 75% of the GSSA power.

Fig. 11. Ratio: efficiency, power generation and energy inputs.

2. HEST Response Time to Short-term Load Fluctuations

Fig. 12. Power fluctuations chart.

а – range of GSSA power stepped changes
b – range of short-term power fluctuations in the external grid

The BPS is used to ensure quick HEST response to the short-term fluctuations of incoming and outgoing grid power in the specified range (b) (Fig. 12). The BPS also consumes short-term excess power from the GSSA or compensates for short-term power deficits for the GSSA electric drives (a). This is required to complete the full cycles of GSSA electromechanical machinery without interruptions, which provides for GSSA electric machines’ operation in nominal modes.

The BPS also delivers emergency power supply to the HEST systems.

The BPS is composed of Li-Ion or capacitor-based energy storage systems (BPS batteries), an AC to DC and DC to AC electric current converter, and a BPS control system. To ensure guaranteed performance, the total capacity of the BPS batteries will not exceed 10% of the total deployed GSSA storage capacity.

Response time to power fluctuations under 200 ms is a standard value for Li-Ion or capacitor-based energy storage systems (used as BPS batteries).

3. Degree of Automation

The ACS performs the following functions to control the load:

·         Continuous calculation of short-term projections for incoming or outgoing load parameters
·         Analysis of implementation of actual GSSA load vs planned, and respective selection of the algorithm of GSSA units connection (number of lifting vehicles in use and their working modes). The total planned GSSA power should match the projected grid load parameters. Parameters corresponding to connected GSSA units when executing the complete cycle are used for analyzing the planned load delivery. Algorithms of GSSA delivered power alteration when completing cycles are used as well.
·         Regulation of GSSA performance in accordance with the calculated planned load parameters

Any difference between the delivered GSSA power and the current grid power is covered by the BPS. The recommended indicative HEST power distribution parameter is GSSA 93-95% min and BPS 5-7% max.

Fig. 13. Indicative delivered power distribution parameter

4. Working Weights

Fig. 14. A working weight.

Working weights are made of ferroconcrete structures of specified geometry and weight. The hollows inside the structures are filled with soil. The structures’ geometry envisages technological recesses that match the corresponding elements of the rail-guided loader’s lifting devices.

5. Service Life

When designing a HEST facility, special attention should be paid to the utilization of only the standardized, simple and reliable solutions with confirmed performance parameters.

HEST Storage Facility Construction
Budget Items
*Estimated Share in Total Budget, %
Service Life, Years
Set of working weights
Construction elements
Electric drives, moving parts, power equipment, control and automation systems
Backup power system
Highly wearable parts, lifting cables
*Note: this ratio will improve with an increase in the ratio of storage capacity to installed power.

6. Additional Parameters

The HEST solutions allow for power multiplication. To do this, the number of working weights simultaneously lifted by one GSSA lifting vehicle is multiplied, and respectively the backup electric machines of the multi-engine drive are put into use. Each lifting vehicle has three operational modes: standard, enhanced and extreme. These modes can be used in various combinations to alter the energy accumulation power or energy release power.

Fig. 15. Outline of working weight multiplication.

7. Variability / Scalability

Fig. 16. HEST deployed power and stored energy capacity augmentation variability chart.

When required, HEST allows for increasing the following parameters:

·         Deployed power – through modernization of lifting vehicles’ multi-engine drives (d) (Fig. 16) or adding up extra batteries (f)
·         Deployed power and energy storage capacity – through constructing and linking up additional GSSA units (e)
·         Energy storage capacity – through increasing the number of working weights (g)

Fig 17. HEST in closed version. It is used in climatic conditions with a high level of formation of snow cover or where protection against sand is required.


I hope that after our consultations on HEST we will have a common understanding and creed regarding the HEST feasibility and applicability.

The prospects will inspire us by their magnitude and accessibility, the risks will be clearly identified and fully addressed.

We will negotiate the conditions of cooperation having the practical experience of reaching mutual understanding and an effective style of interaction.