Explanatory Note for the Development of Terms of Reference


The Hybrid Energy Storage Technology (HEST) uses a method designed to improve energy efficiency and performance in gravitational energy accumulation systems that use solid masses for accumulating, storing and releasing electric energy.

Extract from the Method Invention Application
No. a2018 08897 priority dated 22 August 2018

Explanatory Note for the Development of Terms of Reference for HEST Engineering Design

1.       HEST General Features and Functional Concept.

1.1. The HEST operating principle is based on the widely known physics formula E=mgh, whereby masses of solid bodies are used to accumulate, continuously store and release electric energy (gravitational solid-state accumulators, or GSSA). The HEST effectively addresses the flaws that prevented GSSA systems from operationalization, i.e. it provides for the electric machinery operation in nominal modes and it uses optimized weight displacement logistics. The HEST allows performance at an acceptable efficiency level, eliminates non-productive energy use and simplifies the engineering flow chart. Altogether, this enables the use of system elements with low production costs, high reliability and very long service life. The HEST ushers in fully automated GSSA operation.

1.2. The HEST uniquely combines the existing energy accumulation technologies – direct current electrochemical batteries (as a backup storage system) and GSSA. These technologies complement each other in an integrated facility managed by an Automated Industrial Control System (AICS), mutually eliminating the critical drawbacks and reinforcing the advantages.

1.3. The basic chart of main HEST elements:

 2.       HEST Energy Storage Facility Functions.

2.1. Accumulation, storage and release to grid of large amounts of energy (100 MWh and more).

2.2. Lossless energy storage of unlimited duration.

2.3. Electric power load balancing with a response time under 200 ms

 3.       HEST Energy Storage Facility Purpose.

3.1. The HEST facility draws surplus electric power from the grid for storage, thus allowing power generation to work at peak performance, and releases the stored energy back to the grid to balance the consumption load when the demand is high.

·         The technical parameters of the HEST enable storing of the accumulated energy, matching peak and near-peak demand, as well as providing a power reserve

·         The economic parameters of the HEST encourage profitable investments in the construction of clean energy generation, storage and distribution facilities given the current electric energy consumer pricing

4.       Basic Requirements for the Terms of Reference for HEST Engineering Design.

4.1. Design and construction costs: up to $130 per 1 kWh of stored energy, with a 4:1 ratio of energy storage capacity to maximum electrical power.

·         The higher the ratio, the lower the cost of 1 kWh storage
·         Cost can be kept down by securing a construction site with a large level difference (vertical displacement) available

4.2. Service lifeHEST cost amortization should not exceed 1,5% annually.

For HEST design engineering, only standardized, simple and reliable solutions with confirmed performance parameters must be considered. 

HEST Storage Facility Construction
Budget Items
*Estimated Share in Total Budget, %
Service Life, Years
Working weights
Construction elements
Electric drives, moving parts, power equipment, control and automation systems
Backup system
Highly wearable parts, lifting cables

*Note: this ratio will improve with an increase in the ratio of storage capacity to installed power.

4.3. Performance efficiency ratio: not less than 72%.

4.4. Power/load change response time: not more than 200 milliseconds.

5.     HEST Operational Limitations.

5.1. Climatic: No.

5.2. Safety and security related: No.

5.3. Environmental: No.

5.4. The only requirement for the HEST-based facility construction is the availability of an appropriate construction site close enough to power grid. The site must have a natural or man-made level difference of at least 150-200 m and soil hard enough to prevent landslides when displacing heavy working weights. Inability to meet these requirements results in significantly higher construction costs.

6.     Customer’s Terms of Reference for HEST Engineering Design.

6.1. Quality of electric current: full compliance with the customer’s requirements.

6.2. Grid connection conditions: full compliance with the customer’s requirements

6.3. Electric power and energy storage capacity: full compliance with the customer’s requirements.

6.4. Level of automation: full compliance with the customer’s requirements. The facility is designed for a fully automated operation to be remotely controlled by an operator. No full-time personnel on site is required.

6.5. Serviceability: full compliance with the customer’s requirements. Regular maintenance, minor and full repairs are performed by outsourced specialists as needed. The majority of service works are done without interrupting the entire HEST operation, on a block-by-block basis. The HEST design envisages the availability of spare parts, replacements and equipment blocks on site for quick and easy system maintenance. The HEST-based storage facility is also equipped with the necessary tools and gears for maintenance and service works. Technical documentation for maintenance and repairs is also included.

      7.    Recommended HEST Implementation Stages.

7.1. Pre-design modelling. The output is applicable economic and technical indicative parameters of a HEST facility for a specific customer. Acceptable indicative parameters trigger the decision to begin the design works.

7.2. Design works. Full cycle of the design works. The first phase of the construction project is specifically negotiated and agreed as the first R&D phase.

7.3. First R&D phase. The first stage of the construction works is completed with the pilot block ready for trials. The first block undergoes trial runs and is adjusted and prepared for serial production. The design documentation is amended accordingly. The first HEST facility’s block begins industrial operation.

7.4. Serial production. Serial construction of the remaining blocks is completed, and the entire HEST storage facility is launched into industrial operation.

8.       HEST Assembly Representation.

Apparently the HEST is a ready-to-go solution unbeatable by any competitor for the vast majority of energy companies

The operation of HEST-based energy storages will significantly boost the business of these companies. Among those who will benefit are energy companies, their shareholders, and energy consumers. Along with being economically profitable, the HEST is totally environment-friendly. The HEST makes clean energy self-sufficient technologically and affordable economically.

For those who want and can lead the way, the next section of the blog (Technical Solutions) presents a more detailed information about the technical solutions behind the HEST.

Information from the Technical Solutions section will help your specialists to review the technical solutions used in the HEST and come up with preliminary conclusions regarding its justifiability and consistency. I hope these conclusions will inspire you for a dialogue on cooperation.